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If you don't have a Research4Life password or don't want to log in, you can view  Colliget. Tomus nonus in quo septem libri Colliget, et Avicennae Cantica cum eiusdem Averrois expositione ad rem medicam attinentes. Ad sunt quoque sectiones tres collectaneorum eiusdem, a Joanne Bruyerino latinitate donati. His ineruimus Aristotelis ... as a member of the public: 

Proceed to Colliget. Tomus nonus in quo septem libri Colliget, et Avicennae Cantica cum eiusdem Averrois expositione ad rem medicam attinentes. Ad sunt quoque sectiones tres collectaneorum eiusdem, a Joanne Bruyerino latinitate donati. His ineruimus Aristotelis ... as a member of the public.

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